Have you done this recipe before? No
Tools for the recipe: Silicone baking pan, whisk, rolling pin
Ingredient substitute: I used gluten-free baking flour
Experience doing the recipe: My blender and food processor did not work so I resorted to go old fashion and make the crumbles with a fork. It was easier than I thought and allowed me to leave enough fluff so that flakes show up on my pastry. The measurements worked for me even though I had the gluten free flour. My challenge was with the filling. Although I measured everything accordingly my filling was runny, not watery but a bit away from the pudding-like. So, in the pan it looked great, when I filled the crust not so much. I ended up refrigerating for about 3.5 hours instead of 2. Regarding flavor the crust was too salty for me, very flaky but salty and even though the filling was not firm, the flavor was excellent. I chose blueberries and strawberries since my daughter does not like kiwi. One thing I noticed is that the cake leftovers felt completely apart by the following day. I am wondering if it is intended to be eaten at once. Nevertheless, I am in awe on how easy making this pastry was. I have always resorted to store bought products thinking this was too complicated for my skills.
Would you try the recipe again? I will definitively try it one more time. However, the next adventure will be making individual tartelettes and maybe cooking the filling for a bit longer. Pretty sure will not use any salt.