Have you done this before? Yes
Tools for the recipe: food processor, frying pan
Ingredient substitute: 1 1/2 spinach puree, 1 cup of water
Experience doing the recipe: As Venezuelan, the real challenge here is how to come up with a variation that is not your daily staple. So, I had some extra spinach around and decided to make spinach arepas. I
took 1 tbs of olive oil and placed 3 cups dried spinach in a pan. Once they were fully cooked, I took the spinach and put it in my food processor. I converted this mix in a liquid, lumpy paste. Then I measured only 1 cup of Harina P.A.N. mix, the spinach, and 1 cup of water. The dough was a bit runny but that is normal. I decided to let it sit for about 5 min and then proceeded to form the arepas. My family is from the southwest part of Venezuela and our arepas are thinner and bigger than the standard arepa. I pounded the dough on the counter on top of parchment paper until I formed a circle about ½ inch thick and 6 inches in diameter. Then I cooked it on the stove on a small frying pan, 2 min each side. I stuffed it with deli turkey and baby swiss cheese. So delicious and nutritious. You can definitively taste the spinach and cover your veggie intake for the day!!!
Would you try doing the recipe again? Yes, I am even thinking of venturing with a different vegetable