Have you done this recipe before? No
Tools for the recipe: Standard pots and utensils
Ingredient substitute: I used ¼ tbs for all spices, skipped the ginger, only ½ cup of lentils, 4 oz of tomato sauce instead of canned tomatoes, 1 cup of Coconut Milk, Olive oil
Experience doing the recipe: Not a curry fan. However, this recipe proved me wrong. I cut the ingredients to what I believe to be half or reasonable reductions to make it a one serving recipe. I honestly did not have ginger so that is the reason I skipped it. My garlic was pre-minced, and it was one of these bottles you buy at the supermarket. My garlic was water based so my fat came from olive oil. Somehow, I do not like the taste of coconut oil in my food unless is something baked. I had issues with the cooking time since my lentils cooked so quickly under 20 min, they were soft and went right to simmer. I incorporated the coconut milk and at first it seemed to be falling apart but it turned very thick on the first boil. I did not pair the lentils with any side dishes. To me this is a stir and forget sort of recipe. It tasted really good and it felt like a hearty meal.
Would you try the recipe again? I do not know. It will be only for me as my husband and daughter do not like any of the ingredients in this recipe and I hate cooking 3 different meals.