Have you done this recipe before? No
Tools for the recipe: Food processor, spatula
Ingredient substitute: I used Stevia sugar powder, double the apple sauce to replace the oil
Experience doing the recipe: I am not used to the sugar-free, gluten-free, baking. The mixing part was easy. I shredded the carrots and used Stevia power instead of sugar. I also decided to take the fat out by replacing the oil with the extra apple sauce. The mixture was a bit pasty-like but nothing out of the ordinary. To my surprise the recipe mentions the batch was for 9 cupcakes and I actually make 9. My issue was when baking. baking them for 19min was not enough. The batter was super raw and there was no color to the bake crust of the muffin/cupcake. I ended up baking them for 35 min. and decided to let them sit and split one in half. The flavor was carrot and raising but you could taste the Stevia. I did not like the consistency overall and honestly no one at home wanted to eat them.
Would you try the recipe again? Maybe, I am uncertain about the Gluten-Free flour. This will be my third recipe with it and I have not had any successful experiences. I also recommend to use the oil and stay away from the Stevia, unless you like the fake sugar-like flavor.