Have you done this before? No
Tools for the recipe: Regular mixing whisk, silicone baking mats
Ingredient substitute: None
Experience doing the recipe: It has been really difficult to find dry active yeast lately so I was thrilled to have a recipe so simple. The 2 cups of yogurt are about 2 containers. Mixing the dough was interesting. As a ball formed really quickly and you could see bits of the yogurt not fully mixed. Another important thing to notice is that the dough was not sticky to my hands and it all came up as a round ball without any scraping efforts. I kneaded it for a while on the mat. This dough was elastic and it took no time to make. I used some homemade tomato sauce and mozzarella for toppings. Flavor wise this tasted like sourdough. I could not smell the yogurt after the pizza was baked. Also, the little clumps of unmixed yogurt were also gone. The pizza was delicious. The dough itself had a lot of air bubbles and looked like the real deal. I think I could have rolled it out thinner since I had more dough than sauce but that is just me
Would you try doing the recipe again? Yes, my family demanded a seconds as there was not enough pizza for how good this was